Saturday 29 January 2022

An attempt to revive ancient tradition bull driven cold pressed oil

 Dear Friends,

Hope you are aware that many of us become very cautious about health, especially during Covid-19 times. Oil is one of the key ingredients of cooking and it's important use healthy cooking oil. Cold pressed oil is healthier than the machinery refined oil, which is extracted at very high temperatures. Bull driven cold pressed oil is even more healthier than wood cold pressed oil as RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) using bull is approx 2 rounds per minute. This process of oil extraction through cold-press method is known as ' Katte Ganuga', ‘Gaana’, or ‘Ghani’ or ‘Marachekku’. 

We intend to set this up in a village, where we have been doing natural farming and at the initial stage of Goshala with cows and bulls. Our purpose is multi folded: 1)  to revive old tradition 2) to save bulls and accompany cows 3) to provide rural employment 4) to provide healthy cooking oil 5) to live in a world where everything is ecological and self sustainable in the long run. 

You can have a look at below picture to get an idea of the simple process of oil extraction. In Telugu, it's called eddu ganuga yantram (ఎద్దు గానుగ యంత్రం).

In the picture, there are 3 key components that together work to extract oil. Bowl like component (Barrel) is used to pour ingredients like ground nuts, sesame or coconut pieces. Bowl can me made of wood or stone, then Wood is used to press the ingredients slowly to extract oil. Bull is actually rotating the wood at a very slow pace and using the wood to press against ingredients. 

We procured stone made bowls but we are having tough time in finding wooden components that are used to press the ingredients and that connect bull to the barrel. Hence, looking for help to find the right wood working resources(carpenters), who are serious to understand our attempt towards reviving this old tradition. They could be making these wooden shapes already to sell or they can learn and do them for us at a cost. We are happy to transport them to Yalal, Vikarabad, Telangana at our cost, if they make them in another place. We are looking for committed people to take us forward in this attempt.

Read this page - desi cold pressed oil or grassrootsorganicstore to know more details.

Anyone, genuinely interested to help can contact Keshav (96768 53825) or Santhosh (+46 721414120).

Thank you.


Tuesday 18 January 2022

Journey Towards Self Sustainable Living

 Our journey towards eco friendly and self sustainable living.

We(Myself and Keshav) both attended Jeevan Vidya (JV) workshop around 10 years ago along with our families. JV teaches us to be in harmony with Self, Family, Society and Nature. It gives us the freedom to be SELF empowered not just by reading or listening to philosophy but rather by validating the philosophy with SELF and experience it in reality. Read about JV here

We started reflecting our own lives to apply JV philosophy and it was very difficult in the beginning but slowly we were able to apply and reap them benefits.

Journey - First Step - Land Purchase
Our journey towards Natural Farming started when Keshav had bought 6 acres of land in Yalal-Vishwanathpur village in Vikarabad District, Telangana, India. He has searched so many places around the Hyderabad to buy agricultural land and finally found it in Yalal. He went there multiple weekends, made some connections with locals and interacted with people in the village, stayed there, ate food with them, discussed with kids, youth, middle aged and old aged people on various topics with genuine interest of having eco friendly life in that village. Most of the people discouraged him buying the land he had chosen as it was a barren land but he himself had courage and confidence to transform it, hence bought it.

Changes - Transformation Begins
Keshav had faced many challenges in identifying right boundaries for the land he wanted to purchase but he finally made peace with all neighbors and agreed on the boundaries so that he can start with fencing work, which was essential in protecting the land. 
First year, land was given to Ashappa, who cultivated groundnuts but end up with losses.
Second year, Keshav took charge to do natural farming himself.

House construction
Rainwater harvesting pits
Plant sampling - Lemon, Gauva, Banana, Custard apple
Flowers plants
Purchasing Tractor and some tools

Purchasing 4 acres for Santhosh
Living there during Covid-19

Moving cow Lakshmi and Basava there
Natural farming - Navara rice, Donda thota
Good Support from family

Buying more cows - Sahiwal breed selection

Buying bull?

Bull driven oil training and building the Small scale organization

Vijaram Lectures, following his videos, books

Subhash Palekar Zero budget farming

Jeevan Vidya Saha astitva philosophy

Add photos in time chronological order