We experienced lot of difficulties in finding a suitable house or apartment for rent in Stockholm. Hence, posting some websites list that may be useful .
Blocket . This is the website most number of rental advertisements posted in Stockholm. User can register for alerts to receive by email as per his or her specific preferences when a new advertisement is placed. User need to be very attentive about advertisements posted on this website and immediately send a request to the advertiser with full details. Using this option, user need not pay brokerage or agent fee as this website offers free ads.
Bostad Direkt . This website has sales, rentals and also hotel accommodation details. Sometimes, it will be handy to find very secured rental options through this website. This website will be very useful, if user has option to book accommodation and reimburse payment by his employer. User can short term and long term options.
QASA .This website is little modern compared to first two options, User details can be verified, if he or she has a personal number and it gives more credibility so that advertiser responds quickly. They also have a mobile app so that you can quickly get alerts via app or SMS. User can choose a specific region in the Geo Map, based on which user get alerts.
Samtrygg . It has verified advertisements, visiting times arranged by landlord and very organized advertisements. This website has option to choose ENGLISH language :-). It might have few ads but they are all reliable and end to end arrangements like from drafting lease agreement to till house is occupied and rental insurance are included in the fee that's shown in advertisement.
SAMPS .Not many people know about this website but it has very few, verified advertisements. They not only offer rental houses but also have other services. They provide 2 XLS files: one will have Shared accommodation list and another will have non-shared accommodations. There is a person called Kumar, who helps the users with required information. He will contact the user once he or she fills in the request form on their website.
Bosta Deal . This is newest website I have found recently. Advertisements are available across the Sweden.
Facebook pages where you can register and send requests to fellow members
Indian in Stockholm
Sweden Telugu Community
Indians in Sweden
Houses for Rent in Stockholm
Last but not least, try to ask you friends or colleagues in office or anybody in your network in Stockholm. You never know who helps you. Don't hesitate to ask :-)
Use the TEMPLATE to provide required details to land lord so that you get a response very quickly without exchanging lot of mails or phone calls.
You can share your feedback in comments and also let me know any other website names I have missed to list here.
GOOD LUCK and ALL THE BEST with house hunt.
If you are think to buy a house or an apartment :
Click Here - Buying-house-or-apartment-in-stockholm
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