Saturday 8 December 2018

Children Education in Stockholm, Sweden

Children education has huge importance in Sweden. It's also considered as second best after Finland education system in Nordic countries.

First thing as parents we would like to know is about Education or Schooling system before moving to any new country. Hence, we tried to provide some information and answered some commonly asked questions (List of schools, how to apply , fees and when to apply etc).

Based on the age, we have categorized this information separately.

Day Care and Pre-School (Age 1 to 6 years) - Click Here

Grade 1 to 9 (Age 7 to 15 years)  - Click Here

Extra Curricular Activities (or Stockholm Culture School) - Click Here

What are Open Schools? 
If you can't afford to send your kids to Pre-school due to any reasons you can send them to Open Schools. This is a novel concept in Sweden, where you can take kids to nearest open school for free of cost but you need to accompany your kid for entire time. Either mother or father or guardian can take the kid to open school.
However, open schools have limited staff, limited opening hours on restricted days. Hence, we need to plan accordingly.
Open schools are targeted only for younger children. Even though maximum age is not mentioned as a rule, we personally feel that children up to 3 years or 4 years can enjoy and suitable for open school.

List of Open Schools in Stockholm


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